The Glass Beatstation is a portable and modular interface for music production based on Linux : it is free and open source software which works on most computers/laptops as well as computers with ARM processors (such as the Raspberry Pi)
You can access the code here via gitlab.

The Glass Beatstation has been presented at:
GearFest 2019 (Polaris Hall, PDX)
SeaGL 2019 (Seattle Technical College)
Pycascades 2020 (Revolution Hall PDX)
PDX Python User Group (New Relic, PDX)
Portland Linux User Group (PSU)
Linux Audio Workshop at Ctrl-H (PDX)
Open Eugene Festival (Eugene)
Thanks to the Regional Arts and Culture Council for awarding this project the RACC grant, in collaboration with local music nonprofits My Voice Music, Keys Beats Bars, and Friends of Noise and many other musicians and artists!
and also to Oregon State University’s Open Source Labs for hosting